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( This is a film review, article, by: David, the author of Lunatic )
Punk Attitude
I think this is in the top of the punk films ever made. This film really fuckin rocks.
No really normal person is in it. Lot’s of cool band members, like Black Flag, Bad Brains, Sonic Youth, Nirvana in it. Even Jim Jarmusch, the weird, but fucking best director of all time is in it, because he likes punk music too, like the other people, who get interviewed in it.
In this Documentary film, there is no bull shit, at all. Okay, maybe a little bit of censured stuff is in it, but who cares. They’re talking about, that MC5 is the first punk band. I can’t really argue with this, but fuck, I don’t really care, if they think that MC5 was the first punk band, then okay, they’re right, music is not objective, it’s a subjective thing, everybody can say anything of it, because music is the thing, that changes every day, that’s the beauty in it dude, for fucking Christ.
So yeah, Suburbia, this is fuckin rocks dude.
In the actors, characters, we can find that man, who is now playing in The Red Hot Chili Peppers band, which is now really sucks, but at the 90’s it wasn’t so bad. Little bit weird, and like an Iggy Pop and The Stoogies cover band, its steel good do.
Instead of red hot chili peppers, listen to Kemény Henrik ( Hard Henrik ) the name of this band came, from, that the band members of Kemény henrik fucked Henrik Havas really hard, who is a celebrity comedian teacher at the university of Szeged, but nowadays he is just behind the reflectors.
Sorry I little bit turned off this film review to a music review, because I’m too stub to write. I don’t even now, what STUB means, so sorry dudes.
So this film, suburbia it’s really cool, lot’s of redneck’s in it, who are black man-phobic’s and racists.
Lot of young punk dudes, who hang out in one place.
They’re like 40 people / one household. Its a little bit weird, but they live happily. They go to concerts; they use lot of drugs, take of girls dress. And there is a strange ending, whit a child murderer. The film is directed by Penelope, who also directed the Wayne’s World movie.